As the world moves towards net-zero, the development of solar technology has advanced rapidly to meet renewable electricity demands.
Australia is at the forefront of this solar revolution, with innovations such as the PERC (passivated emitter and rear cell) solar cells spearheading the recent surge in high-performance, affordable solar electricity.
In this edition of the Insights newsletter, we are looking at the past decade of developments and achievements in solar technology and at opportunities for Australia in the next decade and beyond.
Insights extract
It is fortuitous that this edition of Insights is solar-themed. At the time of publication, we have just received the good news of a $1 billion investment to establish a solar manufacturing supply chain in Australia and provide pathways to commercialise local solar PV innovation.
ARENA will lead the delivery of the Solar Sunshot program, with development and design done in partnership with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW).