This interim report is an update on the development of the next generation silicon solar cells with >26% efficiency for mass production.
Report extract
This report highlights the development into TOPCon solar cell technology conducted at ANU, specifically the polysilicon passivated contact technology. The project has identified novel barrier technologies on ultra-thin poly-Silicon, and demonstrated large poly-Si passivating contact based solar cells with an efficiency of 26.06%. Furthermore, detailed cell-to-module analysis highlights the potential for poly-Si passivating contact solar cells in creating high-performance solar modules.
As of the Interim R&D phase, this project has:
- Developed high-quality Si wafers which are defect-free and with stable bulk lifetimes.
- Demonstrated ink-jet printing of dopant paste.
- Advanced polysilicon technology, including
- material selection for barrier technology to enhance thermal stability were identified to be titanium oxides, titanium nitride and aluminium-doped zinc oxides, and
- development of ultra-thin transparent polysilicon, improving time frame and lower temperature processing than current industry process.
- Development of these technologys led to the fabrication of the 26.06% efficiency polysilicon cell (Size-M10-330cm2).
- Cell-to-module analysis modelling demonstrates the potential of polysilicon cells to achieve module cells with an efficiency of 25.6%.
This project highlights the advances in TOPCon technologies, and the pace of development. The project has achieved significant development and it is well-advanced in commercial development with the partner Jinko.