This Final Report summarises the outcomes, achievements and lessons learned from the Rheem project and draws insights from previously published reports. It documents how actively controlled hot water systems could provide aggregated demand response and deliver benefits to customers and participate in network and market services.
Report extract
This is the second ‘Lessons Learnt’ report for the SA Smart Network project. This report has been slightly delayed as there has been some changes to the project schedule negotiated between the parties (Rheem, ARENA and DEM).
While the project is still at a relatively early stage, the experience gained to date in deploying such a novel product in the real world has provided insights that are already proving valuable for the rest of the project.
Central to these insights have been customer-related learnings, particularly regarding customer behaviours, key barriers to customer participation and receptiveness to incentives. Considering these learnings, we are adapting our approach to the customer purchasing experience to drive uptake of the combined hot water and VPP solution going forward. We have also sought an additional retail partner in AGL.