This report details how the project has helped remove roadblocks for the establishment of the SOURCE hydropanel industry. It has enabled optimisation of site-inspection, installation processes and operation and maintenance.
Report extract
All Project Outcomes have been achieved. A key highlight of the Project lies in the ability of SOURCE hydropanels to produce substantial volumes of high quality potable water in 27 unique project locations using renewable energy. Since commissioning the 151 units have offset over 160,000 (500mL) single-use plastic bottles, equivalent to over 60 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. One Project site, Morelife in Arundel Queensland (10 SOURCE Hydropanels), reported the offset of 2,789 (330mL) single use bottles in just one month of optimal production.
A vital breakthrough of the Project has been the training and on-boarding of distributors, subcontractors, retailers and installation partners. The successful upskilling and educating of these partners has facilitated the scale-up and decentralised deployment of SOURCE hydropanels across Australia. Zero Mass Water now has 4 distribution partners, 3 referral partners, 3 retail outlets, 4 installation partners and approximately 10 apprentices and subcontractors with expertise in the sale, site-inspection, installation and O&M of SOURCE hydropanel projects.