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Project overview
  • Lead Organisation

    Redback Operations Pty Ltd trading as Luceo Energy


    New South Wales

    ARENA Program

    Advancing Renewables Program

  • Start date

    21 December 2020

    End date

    16 May 2024

  • Project Partners
    The University of Queensland, Energy Queensland, Essential Energy, GridQube


Project SHIELD aims to develop software that aggregates data from a range of sources to help distribution network service providers (DNSPs) manage distributed energy resources (DER) in low voltage networks.


Project SHIELD acknowledges that aetworks are grappling with the challenges posed by the growth of DER, particularly rooftop solar. This project will use real-time data to assess how much DER can connect to the grid, rather than the current practice of relying on static and conservative limits. This will maximise the hosting capacity of the existing network.


Together with University of Queensland, GridQube Pty Ltd, Essential Energy, Ergon Energy and Energex, Luceo Energy will develop a software platform that compiles data from network infrastructure, smart meters and smart consumer-owned energy assets such as batteries and inverters.


A proof-of-concept platform that allows networks to assess how much consumer-owned energy can safely be connected to the electricity grid without additional investment in infrastructure, rather than the current practice of relying on static and conservative export limits.

Last updated 29 June 2023


Luceo Energy data toolkit to help distributors manage consumer-owned energy

A new platform will compile data in real time to allow electricity distributors to better manage energy from behind-the-meter assets.

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