We’ve loved bringing you ARENAWIRE… Now it’s coming to your inbox

When we launched ARENAWIRE a few short weeks ago we wanted to bring you a new space for news, analysis and discussion about what is going on in renewable energy.

We certainly picked an interesting moment to do it. The daily headlines in the nation’s newspapers and the soundbites coming from politicians in Canberra have revealed our nation’s complex energy system – and renewable energy’s part in it – to be at the centre of public discussion in Australia right now.

We’ve tried hard to bring you considered, factual analysis about what’s happening in renewable energy. To help cut through the confusion and to keep you updated about new projects and announcements.

The reaction has been truly exciting. Tens of thousands of you have read our stories, watched our videos and listened to our podcasts. You’ve shared our articles and commented on our Facebook page, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

Traffic to ARENAWIRE continues to increase at a huge rate. And we’ve almost doubled the number of Facebook followers who are receiving and interacting with our stories. We wanted to start a conversation and that conversation is well and truly underway.

Now we are making it even easier for people to keep informed about the changes taking place as we shift to a renewable energy future.

ARENAWIRE in your inbox is a new fortnightly newsletter that will feature the best of content from ARENAWIRE, as well as a short message from our CEO, Ivor Frischknecht and links to important upcoming dates, milestones and events.

If you haven’t signed up, there’s still plenty of time – sign up for ARENAWIRE

If you’re interested in renewable energy, interested in the renewable energy future of Australia or simply interested in cool technology. If you’re into innovation and creative solutions to some big challenges, we’d like to think you’re going to really enjoy it.

This article was originally written by Daniel Silkstone, former Head of Content, ARENA.