Rewired podcast episode two – Together in electric dreams?

Electric vehicles are finally breaking into the mainstream, but is Australia’s electricity network ready for them?

Rewired podcast episode two

Rewired podcast episode two is out now with a focus on electric vehicles.

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Australia’s electric vehicle journey has started slowly, but more models are available than ever before and fast charging networks are taking shape.

For many, EVs are becoming a viable alternative. They do cost more upfront, but prices are coming down and are predicted to drop below that of an equivalent petrol car by the mid-2020s.

In this episode, we speak with Chargefox CEO Martin Andrews, who tells us that the technology has reached a point where he would choose an electric vehicle every single time.

“The experience is just incredible.”

His company is midway through construction of a 22 point intercity charging network. ARENA has provided $6 million in funding for the project, which is installing chargers between Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide, with additional points in Tasmania and Western Australia.

Their network of “ultra fast chargers” is 100 per cent powered by renewable energy, and able to fill a battery in as little as 15 minutes.

Can the grid cope?

ARENA CEO Darren Miller shares some of the work the agency is doing to prepare for the growing of EVs. He believes that electric motoring represents a great opportunity, but one that comes with some risks.

To prepare for these challenges, ARENA is supporting charging networks like Chargefox and EVie Networks, amongst a suite of DER projects that will help to prepare the electricity network for more electric vehicles.

For Dr Alan Finkel – Australia’s Chief Scientist and electric vehicle driver – the future is bright. “Wherever you can see a problem, I can see a solution,” he told us.

Big opportunity for Australia

According to Rob Murray Leach, Head of Policy at the Australian Energy Efficiency Council, the global transition to EVs is gathering steam.

“There’s been a really radical shift globally in just the last two years.”

Kristina Haverkamp, Managing Director of the German Energy Agency agrees. She told us that demand for electric vehicles is growing as attitudes change. She shares Dr Finkel’s confidence that the challenges can be managed, with people choosing to charge in different ways and at different times minimising the load on the grid.

These days electric vehicles are chic. Young boys 18, 19, 20. They don’t dream about buying a Porsche anymore. They dream about buying a Tesla.

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