This is the Interim Report from the Research and Development phase of this project. It documents the aims and method of the research as well as the progress so far and plans for the rest of the phase.
Report extract
The main focus of the project is to develop and commercialise novel metallisation pattern designs in conjunction with new silver-free or silver-lean paste materials for reducing silver consumption to 5 mg/W for industrial silicon solar cells using existing flatbed screen printing technology.
This interim report marks the completion of the first half of the R&D stage in this Project and details the following main outcomes:
- identification of a roadmap towards 5 mg/W silver usage;
- identification of potential silver-free or silver-lean paste candidates;
- fabrication of small-area PERC, TOPCon, SHJ or tandem cells (at least 2 cell types) with less than 10 mg/W silver;
- fabrication of large-area PERC, TOPCon, SHJ or tandem cells with less than 8 mg/W silver; and
- lodging the provisional patent application for silver-free or silver-lean screen-printed contact scheme.