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Project overview
  • Lead Organisation

    Amber Electric Pty Ltd



    ARENA Program

    Driving the Nation Program

  • Start date

    1 April 2024

    End date

    31 March 2027

  • Project Partners
    enX Pty Ltd


Amber will develop a software solution to facilitate battery electric vehicle (BEV) smart charging and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) bi-directional charging in line with wholesale energy prices, unlocking more value for BEVs owners while accelerating the renewable energy transition. 


At scale, smart and bi-directional charging of BEVs is expected to support grid stability by adapting charging sessions in response to the levels of variable renewable energy in the grid and discharging energy during periods of high demand across distribution networks. 

As highlighted in enX’s report, V2G technology may enable the largest and lowest marginal cost storage resource in Australia’s energy transition, with total BEV storage capacity in the National Electricity Market outstripping all other forms of storage (including Snowy 2.0) from the early 2030s.  

Amber is an energy retailer and technology company with a mission to  transition Australia to 100% renewable energy — by giving their customers more control over their energy. Amber provides access to the real-time wholesale price of power and the tools and incentives to manage energy usage for a fixed monthly subscription fee.  

As part of this project, Amber will enable its customers to automate BEV charging (and discharging for V2G) in response to real-time wholesale price signals (and renewable intensity signals) using its SmartShift™ technology     , unlocking additional customer savings.  


The project will be delivered in two Phases: 

  • Phase 1 – Smart charging; and 
  • Phase 2 – V2G bi-directional charging. 

Phase 1 will involve the enrolment of 950 customers split into two groups: 850 customers using an Application Programming Interface (API) enabled solution, and 100 customers purchasing and installing subsidised smart charging hardware.  

Phase 2 will involve 50 customers purchasing and installing subsidised V2G bi-directional charging hardware. This phase will commence following the adoption of key V2G-enabling Australian Standards and the first entry of V2G-capable BEVs and charging hardware. 


The Project will achieve the following outcomes: 

  1. optimised integration of BEVs into the grid by demonstrating how price incentives and charging automation ensure cost effective outcomes for BEV owners; 
  2. increased understanding of consumer requirements and sentiments driving their BEV charging behaviour; 
  3. demonstration of how BEV charging automation can scale to support higher levels of renewable consumption through load shifting; and 
  4. increased engagement with relevant state and territory regulatory bodies to share findings on the V2G scope and inform future V2G policy. 

Additional Impact

With the results of the V2G trial Amber hopes to support networks across the NEM to implement trial tariffs to help support the energy transition. 

Last updated
21 June 2024
Last updated 21 June 2024


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