AEMO’s Project Edge CBA’s Executive Summary presents key findings, demonstrating that a coordinated market-based approach to distributed energy resource (DER) integration in Australia’s national electricity market will be crucial to success.
Report extract
Project EDGE was established to further understand the outcomes for all
consumers of greater DER participation in the NEM. This multi-year project was conceived as a field trial building on prior industry initiatives. It was designed to demonstrate an end-to-end market arrangement that maximises the value of consumer DER and supports a NEM that will deliver reliable, affordable, and sustainable supply of electricity for all consumers.
As part of Project EDGE, Deloitte Access Economics (Deloitte) and Energeia conducted a cost benefit analysis (CBA) – this report – to provide insights and direction to energy market participants and policy makers of the economic value for all consumers from the Project EDGE arrangement for DER participation in the NEM.