In December 2017 ARENA launched a research and development funding round focused on accelerating the development of a potential renewable energy export supply chain based on hydrogen.
Report extract
ARENA’s Hydrogen R&D Funding Round granted a total of $22.1 million, shared between sixteen separate research projects that will all be completed by early 2022. The projects each focus on a particular part of the supply chain, as summarised in Table 1.
The Commonwealth Government’s First Low Emissions Technology Statement (LETS) released in September 2020 set a priority technology stretch goal of less than $2 per kilogram for clean hydrogen production to underpin domestic and export supply opportunities. The sixteen projects selected in 2018 for ARENA funding include hydrogen source projects covering a range of technologies that could contribute to achieving this LETS’ stretch goal together with a range of complementary conversion and utilisation projects to fully cover the export supply chain.