This lessons learnt report covers the activities during the project’s development, such as creating effective customer messaging, modifying the model standing offer (MSO), adopting the agile delivery methods to deliver the trial, and improvements that could be made to the CSIP-AUS implementation guide.
Report extract
On 1 July 2020 ARENA and SA Power Networks entered into an Advancing Renewables Program Funding Agreement number 2020/ARP009, under which SA Power Networks, and all collaboration partners, have obligations to consider and issue quarterly lessons learnt reports. Aurecon, the knowledge sharing partner, prepares these reports on behalf of SA Power Networks and project partners. Lessons will be captured throughout the lifecycle of the Project and are expected to cover a range of topics. These may include commercial, technology, policy, community engagement learnings and more. The intended audiences for these lessons learnt reports are:
- ARENA, AEMO, AEMC, AER – to understand the performance of distributed energy resources (DER) projects and impact on the market.
- Victorian and South Australian Governments and policy makers – to understand policy and regulatory barriers and opportunities associated with DER.
- Energy industry – to understand market opportunities associated with DER impacts and business models.
This second lessons learnt report will cover the activities during project development such as creating effective customer messaging, modifying the model standing offer (MSO), adopting the agile delivery methods to deliver the trial and improvements that could be made to the CSIP-AUS implementation guide. It is intended for those undertaking a similar project. By sharing this information, the Flexible Exports for Solar PV project aims to advance the industry’s understanding of how DER, such as rooftop solar, can be managed in constrained network areas.