This report has been produced to share the experience of preparing for and conducting the AEMO Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) Trial. It details the steps taken to prepare the wind farm for provision of FCAS over and above what was anticipated in the original project scope.
Report extract
The report also details the steps taken to produce results from testing and simulations required to satisfy AEMO that inverter connected wind turbines can successfully provide FCAS in accordance with the requirements of the Market Ancillary Services Specification (MASS). This is currently unique as it will be the first inverter connected generation to provide frequency control ancillary services to the NEM.
Siemens Gamesa also detail some of the anomalies and work a round’s and fixes that were implemented to allow the trial to proceed and improvements that could be implemented in the future to allow Hornsdale 2 greater participation in FCAS.
Finally this reports details the lessons learnt that might provide insight for other participants hoping to offer wind farms for FCAS.