About the workstream
The Distributed Energy Integration Program (DEIP) explored the value that Dynamic Operating Envelopes offer to the energy transition. The workstream aimed to:
- build a shared understanding of the opportunities and challenges
- share insights on approaches currently under investigation
- identify reforms that could be implemented to establish dynamic operating envelopes.
Workstream outcomes
Final report
- Review of Dynamic Operating Envelope Adoption by DNSPs
- DEIP Dynamic Operating Envelopes Workstream Final Outcomes Webinar
- Smarter Homes for Distributed Energy
- Allocation Principles Workshop Summary
- National Regulatory and Policy Design Issues workshop
- Consumer Perspectives workshop summary (Oct 2020)
- DEIP DOE Working Group webinar summary (Sept 2020)
What are Dynamic Operating Envelopes?
Operating envelopes are the limits that an electricity customer can import and export to the electricity grid.
These limits are agreed between networks, customers and the AER as part of the customer connection or regulatory process.
Currently, in most cases, operating envelopes are fixed at conservative levels regardless of the capacity of the network because they are static and need to account for ‘worst case scenario’ conditions.
Dynamic operating envelopes are where import and export limits can vary over time and location. Dynamic rather than fixed export limits could enable higher levels of energy exports from customers’ solar and battery systems by allowing higher export limits when there is more hosting capacity on the local network.
The Dynamic Operating Envelopes Workstream Group consists of the following organisations:
- Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC)
- Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
- Australian Energy Regulator (AER)
- Australian National University (ANU)
- Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
- Energy Consumers Australia (ECA)
- Energy Networks Australia (ENA)
- SA Power Networks (SAPN)