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Project overview
  • Lead Organisation

    Monash University (ClimateWorks Australia)


    Melbourne, Victoria

    ARENA Program

    Advancing Renewables Program

  • Start date

    1 January 2021

    End date

    15 May 2023

  • Project Partners
    Climate-KIC Australia, Rocky Mountain Institute, CSIRO, Energy Transitions Commission, Bloomberg NEF
    This renewables project was completed on 15 May 2023.


The Australian Industry ETI (Energy Transitions Initiative) Delivery Stage Project aims to accelerate action by Australian industry towards net zero emissions in hard-to-abate sectors by 2050, while managing the transition to thrive in a decarbonised global economy.


Industry has an important role in decarbonising the energy system. Early uptake and effective integration of renewable electricity, electrification and renewable hydrogen can help Australia achieve competitive costs for reliable decarbonised energy.

The project focuses on 5 industry supply chains of steel, aluminium, liquefied natural gas, other metals (such as lithium, copper and nickel) and chemicals (particularly fertilisers and explosives).

These supply chains collectively contribute more than one-quarter of Australia’s annual greenhouse gas emissions and generate exports worth around $160 billion.


The Australian Industry ETI Delivery Stage Project is structured around 3 phases. Since launching Phase 1 in July 2020, the initiative’s 16 company participants have come together to explore opportunities, understand the challenges and identify areas of mutual interest (See Phase 1: Current State and Future Possibilities).

Jointly convened by ClimateWorks Australia and Climate-KIC Australia in collaboration with global partners, the Energy Transitions Commission, Rocky Mountain Institute, CSIRO and BloombergNEF,

Phase 2 of the project will:

  • bring together companies and industry stakeholders working across 5 hard-to-abate supply chains
  • provide information to support these organisations’ commitment towards net zero emissions
  • coordinate engagement activities to support collaboration within and across supply chains
  • identify action and demonstration projects that support transition towards net zero emissions.


This intended outcomes from this project include:

  • accelerated informed industry action through a better understanding of opportunities across supply chains
  • stronger partnerships that support coordinated action between industry, customers, trading partners and suppliers
  • industry collaboration around the establishment of at least one large multi-stakeholder demonstration project
  • participants to lead and contribute to public discourse on net zero emissions supply chains
  • industry views and insights shared with Federal and State governments.
Last updated 16 June 2023


Australia can slash industrial emissions, create jobs: report

A major new report outlines opportunities for Australia to cut industrial emissions to a fraction of their current level and create hundreds of thousands of jobs in the process.

Reducing emissions in heavy industry

New funding will help to explore ways to decarbonise the production of everything from metals to chemicals and explosives.

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