This project explores the role of renewable energy technologies and biofuels in decarbonising the Australian economy. The project is jointly led by ClimateWorks Australia and the Australian National University and draws on the latest research and modelling by CSIRO and Centre of Policy Studies at Victoria University.
Project innovation
The project objectives are to:
- demonstrate that Australia can transition to a low carbon economy, a process referred to as ‘deep decarbonisation’, with electricity supplied by 100 per cent renewable grid-supplied electricity and biofuels playing a significantly increased role in the overall energy supply mix
- ensure that energy policy and investment decisions take into account deep decarbonisation by 2050.
A deep decarbonisation pathway for Australia was published in September in the report Pathways to Deep Decarbonisation in 2050: How Australia can prosper in a low carbon world. This report, and the analysis that underpins it, is being used as the basis of an extensive stakeholder consultation program to identify of the key challenges for wide scale deployment of renewable energy technologies and their solutions.
The work funded by ARENA is a subset (the renewable energy and biofuels component) of work being undertaken for Australia’s participation in the global 2050 Deep Decarbonisation Pathways Project (DDPP). The DDPP investigates pathways for decarbonisation of all energy sources and economy-wide emissions reductions. It comprises 15 countries representing more than 70 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions and is convened under the auspices of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network and the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations .
ClimateWorks Australia is an independent, research-based, non-profit organisation committed to catalysing reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in Australia. Established in 2009 by the Myer Foundation and Monash University, ClimateWorks Australia operates under the auspice of the Monash Sustainability Institute , which brings together multiple fields of endeavour in cross-disciplinary programs and centres of excellence. With strong links to the US-based ClimateWorks Foundation, ClimateWorks Australia also benefits from an international network of affiliated organisations that support effective policies for greenhouse gas reduction.