The Reduced Solar Module Temperature will demonstrate methods to change solar panel design to lower operating temperatures in the field. Lower operating temperatures will lead to increased power output and improve system lifetime.
The Reduced Solar Module Temperature procject acknowledges that operating temperature has a significant effect on both output power and the long-term durability of solar modules. A 10 degree reduction in module operating temperature is projected to double the module operating lifetime, impacting project bankability and yield.
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This project will evaluate four strategies to reduce operating temperature in the field using passive temperature methods:
- Reduce infrared absorption
- Increase radiative loss
- Increase convective loss
- Increase conduction to module frame.
This project aims to:
- Demonstrate experimental reduction in nominal-module-operating temperature of > 5 degrees celcius by incorporating the most promising passive temperature reduction approaches
- Work with collaborators to develop and demonstrate practical, cost effective approaches to modifying commercial modules to capture as much as possible of experimentally demonstrated gains.