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Project overview
  • Lead Organisation

    Hysata Pty Ltd


    New South Wales

    ARENA Program

    Hydrogen Research and Development Funding Round

  • Start date

    31 March 2024

    End date

    31 August 2027

  • Project Partners
    The University of Wollongong (UoW), Deakin University, Colorado School of Mines, Insumos Tecnicos Industriales


Hysata will develop and commercialise a fast-wicking, porous, inter-electrode separator for its capillary-fed electrolyser (CFE) which will enable operation at elevated temperatures, increasing hydrogen production output while maintaining high efficiency.


This project was selected as part of the competitive Hydrogen R&D Funding Round under the Transformative Research Accelerating Commercialisation (TRAC) Program to rapidly develop the critical technologies required to build a clean, innovative, safe, and competitive hydrogen industry and position Australia as a major player globally. While hydrogen technologies and targets have continued to evolve, R&D investment remains a critical imperative to commercialise clean hydrogen. Projects supported by the Hydrogen R&D Funding Round seek to progress the commercialisation of low cost, clean hydrogen in Australia


Phase 1 will undertake core research on the development of the separator investigating two proprietary methodologies simultaneously. Following review and investigation, one method will be selected as the basis for Phase 2 and Phase 3.

Phase 2 will consist of two main research areas: design and process development and manufacturing preparation for the chosen methodology.

In Phase 3, a pilot manufacturing line will be commissioned, where separator manufacturing and quality testing will be undertaken in parallel.


The objectives for the Project will be achieved through the following Outcomes:

  1. accelerated commercialisation of renewable hydrogen through innovative R&D in high temperature, capillary-fed electrolysis;
  2. increased academic research capacity in the Australian hydrogen sector, and the facilitation of collaboration between research groups and industry;
  3. improvement in the technology readiness and commercial readiness of hydrogen production technologies through development of a high temperature, ultra-high efficiency capillary-fed electrolyser.
Last updated 21 June 2024
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