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Project overview
  • Lead Organisation




    ARENA Program

    Research and Development

  • Start date

    6 December 2017

    End date

    24 January 2022

  • Project Partners
    Monash University, University of New South Wales, University of Cambridge
    This project was completed on 24 January 2022.


The Printed Perovskite PV Modules (PPV) project is developing a next-generation solar technology that has demonstrated promising performance in the laboratory. This project will translate these laboratory-scale outcomes to flexible, efficient and stable large-area PPV modules. By adopting industry-relevant approaches to materials and manufacture, the project will accelerate progress of this technology towards commercialisation.

Key results

  • A power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 18% for roll-to-roll fabricated perovskite PV. This efficiency represents a significant step forward from the record PCE of 13.8%.
  • The discovery of perovskite-compatible roll-to-roll printable electrodes which achieved a PCE of 14%. “Roll-to-roll” means the devices need to be fabricated on flexible plastic substrates and fabrication parameters are restricted. There have been no other reports on fully roll-to-roll printed cells.
  • The demonstration of roll-to-roll production of perovskite PV modules. The production capability is globally unique and brought opportunities for business development.

How the project works

The Printed Perovskite PV Modules project by CSIRO devices consist of several layers including the photo-active perovskite layer as well as other layers for transporting and collecting the charge generated.

In order to translate the high-performance of laboratory-scale devices to large-area flexible modules, each of these layers must be optimised for fabrication using scalable manufacturing methods.

In this project, each layer will be optimised for roll-to-roll printing in air, a low-cost process widely used in commercial printing.

New materials, ink formulations and packaging methods will be developed and these will be tested against benchmarks for efficiency, durability and cost.

Area of innovation

The key innovation in this project is translation of Printed Perovskite PV Modules technology to an industrial scale using low-cost manufacturing methods.

The high efficiencies for PPV reported thus far are for laboratory-scale devices fabricated without concern for scalability or industrial compatibility.

This project will use roll-to-roll slot-die coating, a low-cost fabrication process that can be translated to industrial scales.

By developing new materials and ink formulations for processing at moderate temperatures in air, the costs of manufacture will be further reduced.


Using low-cost materials and manufacturing methods, flexible PPV modules are a path to low-cost solar products including new applications in unconventional solar markets.

In particular, the high power-to-weight ratio expected from flexible PPV will make them an attractive option for remote and mobile applications.

The project reduces the risk to industry by bridging the gap between laboratory-based results and commercial deployment. It places Australia at the forefront of commercialising PPV technologies, encouraging the creation of a new solar manufacturing industry in Australia.

Last updated 11 November 2022
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