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  • ProjectFlexible demand

    AGL Dynamic Pricing Load Flex Trial

    Started 2023

    No further information is currently available.

  • 40225
  • ProjectFlexible demand

    Birdwood Load Flexibility Report Card Platform

    Started 2024

    Birdwood is partnering with the Australian National University, Energy Efficiency Council and others on a flexible load project for commercial and industrial businesses.
  • 40237
  • ProjectFlexible demand

    United Energy, CitiPower and Powercor – Flexible Services Trial

    Started 2024

    United Energy's Flexible Services Trial will demonstrate how distribution network service providers can use controlled hot water loads and solar inverters to manage demand.
  • 13719
  • ProjectFlexible demandHydrogen

    Toyota Ecopark Hydrogen Demonstration

    Started 2019

    The Toyota Ecopark Hydrogen Demonstration project will transform Toyota Australia’s decommissioned car manufacturing plant into a renewable energy hub.
  • 11336
  • ProjectDemand responseFlexible demand

    Pooled Energy Demonstration Project

    Started 2017

    The Pooled Energy Demonstration Project provides retail electricity and swimming pool automation to pool owners as part of an on-going service.
  • 37133
  • ProjectDemand responseFlexible demand

    SA Power Networks Market Active Solar Trial

    Started 2022

    SA Power Networks (SAPN), together with AGL and Simply Energy will deliver the Trial which aims to demonstrate how distributed network service provider (DNSP) dynamic operating envelopes (DOEs) can act in concert with retailer-initiated schemes that actively manage the output of a customer’s solar inverter in response to market price signals.
  • 35727
  • ProjectDemand responseFlexible demand

    Shell Energy Smart Energy Hubs Deployment Project

    Started 2022

    Shell Energy will implement Smart Energy Hubs in Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria across 40 commercial & industrial customer sites.
  • 38277
  • ProjectDemand responseFlexible demand

    Enel X Commercial Refrigeration Flexible Demand Project

    Started 2023

    The commercial sector has been an early adopter of distributed energy resources such as energy efficiency and rooftop solar. Despite this, the sector has been slow to embrace flexible demand due to prohibitive costs, relatively less economies of scale (compared with the larger industrial sector),…

  • 21747
  • ProjectFlexible demandRenewables for industry

    Advancing Renewables with PCM Thermal Energy Storage

    Started 2019

    The Advancing Renewables with PCM Thermal Energy Storage project aims to demonstrate the technical and economic value of thermal energy storage.
  • 31109
  • ProjectFlexible demandRenewables for industry

    Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre Integrated Energy System

    Started 2020

    The Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre will include a carbon neutral, renewable energy powered aquatic centre in western Melbourne.
  • 29324
  • ProjectDistributed energyFlexible demand

    Rheem Active Hot Water Control

    Started 2019

    The Rheem Active Hot Water Control project aims to demonstrate active control over 2400 residential hot water systems in South Australia.
  • 36940
  • ProjectDemand responseFlexible demandRenewables for industry

    PLUS ES South Australia Demand Flexibility Trial

    Started 2022

    The recipient, together with project participants, AGL and the University of New South Wales will undertake a trial in the SA Power Networks area.
  • 39540
  • ProjectDemand response

    Intellihub Demand Flexibility Platform Project

    Started 2023

    Intellihub's digital infrastructure for virtual power plants (VPPs) in the form of a demand flexibility platform.
  • 40239
  • Project

    SA Power Networks – Electrification and Demand Flexibility

    Started 2024

    500 households in South Australia will help demonstrate the customer and industry benefits of demand flexibility and smart electric homes.
  • 11526
  • ProjectDemand response

    United Energy Distribution Demand Response

    Started 2017

    United Energy Distribution Demand Response will use voltage control devices installed at substations across its entire distribution.
  • 12955
  • ProjectDemand response

    AGL Demand Response

    Started 2017

    The AGL Demand Response project was awarded funding under ARENA & AEMO’s $35.7 million Demand Response Initiative along with NSW Government support.
  • 13554
  • ProjectDemand response

    Intercast and Forge Demand Response

    Started 2017

    Intercast and Forge, Australia’s largest iron casting foundry, has installed sophisticated energy systems allowing dispatchable demand response.
  • 10822
  • ProjectDemand response

    AGL Virtual Trial of Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading

    Started 2017

    The AGL Virtual Trial of Peer-to-Peer (AGL VPP) Energy Trading trial identifies & values P2P trades, determines technology applicability & analyses results.
  • 12926
  • ProjectDemand response

    Ausgrid Power2U Project

    Started 2018

    Ausgrid Power2U involves the establishment a $4.1 million fund to help selected customers to permanently reduce their electricity use on Ausgrid’s network.
  • 11496
  • ProjectDemand response

    Powershop Australia Demand Response Program

    Started 2017

    The Powershop Australia Demand Response Program is delivering its reserve via behavioural response from residential and business customers in Victoria.
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