The Malabar Biomethane Injection Project will demonstrate the process of upgrading biogas produced from the anaerobic digestion process at Sydney Water’s Malabar wastewater treatment plant to biomethane for injection into the gas distribution network.
The Malabar Biomethane Injection Project acknowledges that currently, biogas produced in facilities such as landfills and wastewater treatment plants are flared for carbon credits, or used to generate electricity for local use. As solar and wind reduce in cost, exporting biogas is becoming less competitive. However, biogas has potential to be a dispatchable and versatile resource that can balance the grid, but it is not yet easily available or its value recognised.
The project involves the installation of gas cleaning and upgrading equipment that will be located at Sydney Water’s Malabar wastewater treatment plant. This infrastructure will upgrade biogas to biomethane and will be connected to Jemena’s natural gas network.
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The project aims to:
- demonstrate the technical viability and pathway to commerciality of producing and injecting biomethane into the natural gas network
- develop a certification pathway to support a renewable gas market
- increase the uptake of biomethane technology in the Australian waste industry.
Additional impact
Bioenergy has the potential to unlock regional jobs, support a circular economy, and decarbonise the electricity network, industrial heat and heavy transport industries.