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Project overview
  • Lead Organisation

    Energy Saving Networks Group Pty Ltd t/a Wattwatchers Digital Energy


    St Leonards, New South Wales

    ARENA Program

    Advancing Renewables Program

  • Start date

    22 October 2019

    End date

    2 August 2023

  • Project Partners
    Australian National University (ANU), Accurassi (Knowledge-Global Pty Ltd), Cogniss (2and2 Pty Ltd), Solar Schools (iWeb Solutions Pty Ltd)


Wattwatchers aims to build, operate and deploy the ‘My Energy Marketplace’ or MEM, a consumer-facing energy data platform, designed to securely collect, process and productise vast amounts of energy data.


Most energy consumers have limited access to their own energy data. Households and businesses typically receive power bills, with estimated usage, several months after they have used the electricity.

Better data, sourced independently from power providers and in real-time, could help reduce bills by:

  • cutting energy waste
  • improving consumer understanding of electricity retail packages to source a ‘better deal’
  • using power at the best times
  • optimising rooftop solar (or right-sizing new solar investments)
  • enabling programs that reward energy behaviours that help the overall energy system.

For schools, better data could drive energy engagement and literacy among students, while also assisting with reducing energy bills.

For third-party service providers, better energy data could provide improved management of the Australian electricity grid and better integrate renewables.


The Wattwatchers three-year, $8 million My Energy Marketplace deployment project will:

  • nationally roll-out Wattwatchers energy monitoring hardware and software packages to thousands of homes and small businesses, and hundreds of schools
  • develop and deploy the MEM, with input from industry and market representatives. The MEM will source data from Wattwatchers hardware, smart meters, inverters, EV chargers and sensors, and provide energy data software applications
  • provide aggregators, distribution network services providers and other services providers with access to granular consumer energy data and visibility of distributed energy resources (DER).


By completing the project, Wattwatchers will:

  • demonstrate how an energy data platform can deliver value and savings to end users and ultimately become a sustainable business model
  • provide end users and services providers valuable information about energy consumption and generation, to increase the value of DER and to improve the integration of renewables into the grid
  • increase understanding and awareness of cybersecurity risks and data privacy management.

Additional impact

Energy use and management datasets will also be made available to researchers, solution developers, and commercial partners under sharing agreements consistent with privacy and security conditions set by energy users.

Last updated 09 January 2023


Energy knowledge is power for consumers and industry

Information about how each of your appliances  consume electricity can provide answers to some simple but important questions.

Plotting next steps in distributed energy transformation

As Australians embrace rooftop solar at world-leading rates, work is underway to create a modern, fairer electricity system for the future.

Wattwatchers smart energy hub allows users to track usage in real time

A new way of tracking electricity usage will help to integrate renewables into the grid and allow consumers to make more informed decisions.

What are distributed energy resources and how do they work?

According to the twentieth century model of energy distribution, large power plants fuelled by coal, hydro or gas, generated electricity that was distributed via a centralised grid.

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