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  • BlogRenewables for industry

    Solving the Energy Puzzle – Introducing our new podcast series

    Published 2020

    Solving the Energy Puzzle - Over six episodes, our podcast will bring together innovators, industry, energy sectors and policymakers.
  • 29372
  • KnowledgeDemand response

    Powershop Demand Response Program May 2020

    Published 2020

    This report relates to the behavioural demand response program conducted by Powershop Australia over the period December 2019 – May 2020.
  • 27179
  • KnowledgeDemand response

    May 2019 Powershop Demand Response Program

    Published 2019

    This report relates to the behavioural demand response program conducted by Powershop Australia over the period December 2018 - May 2019.
  • 38916
  • NewsHydrogen

    Australian Hydrogen gets a Headstart

    Published 2023

    On behalf of the Australian Government, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has today opened applications for the $2 billion Hydrogen Headstart program. Announced in the 2023-24 budget, the program aims to catalyse Australia’s hydrogen industry to take advantage of Australia’s unpa…

  • 13512
  • BlogHydropower and Pumped hydro energy storage

    Snowy 2.0 gets green light

    Published 2019

    Snowy 2.0 (snowy hydro) has been given the green light, after Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the project had been officially approved.
  • 26305
  • BlogSolarSolar PV R&D

    SolShare technology invention smashes barriers to solar apartments

    Published 2020

    SolShare technology sharing solar power in a single building amongst tenants will be installed at properties housing ten not-for-profit service providers.
  • 13717
  • BlogDistributed energy

    Evolving to a distributed electricity network

    Published 2019

    Distributed electricity network - Rooftop solar uptake leaves us grappling with 20th century electricity network to cope with behind-the-meter assets.
  • 15945
  • BlogDistributed energy

    Home renovation show with focus on renewables and efficiency

    Published 2019

    A new home renovation web series is asking whether it is better to renovate an old home, or demolish it and rebuild from the ground up.
  • 3716
  • NewsSolarSolar PV R&D

    Moveable solar power shifts closer to commercial reality

    Published 2016

    Laing O’Rourke’s moveable solar-diesel power plant with advanced control systems has been successfully piloted and will be commercialised through the newly formed SunSHIFT Pty Ltd. Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) CEO Ivor Frischknecht said the innovative project showed how funding…

  • 2427
  • NewsRenewables for industry

    Energy revolution gathers momentum

    Published 2015

    “We are in the midst of an energy revolution”, explained ARENA CEO Ivor Frischknecht in his keynote speech at the official launch of Panasonic’s agreement with ActewAGL, Red Energy and Ergon Energy to trial battery technology in solar-installed homes yesterday. And today ARENA announces a $…

  • 3044
  • NewsSolar

    Australian Mine Sites – Powered by the Sun

    Published 2014

    ARENA CEO Ivor Frischknecht’s article “Australian Mine Sites – Powered by the Sun” is the cover story in latest edition of the Queensland Mining and Energy Bulletin. The article explains how renewables are emerging as an affordable and reliable solution to the Australian mining industry…

  • 12750
  • PDF
    Annual report

    Annual Report extract: Hybrid power generation for Australian off-grid mines

    Published 2018

    Summary - From volatile fuel and commodity prices through to an increasing need for energy security, a growing number of mining companies around the world are turning to renewable energy to help solve these challenges.
  • 39217
  • NewsRenewables for industry

    ARENA open for business on industrial decarbonisation

    Published 2023

    On behalf of the Australian Government, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has today launched the first funding round of the $400 million Industrial Transformation Stream (ITS) to support emissions reduction at existing industrial facilities in regional Australia. The Industrial Trans…

  • 6502
  • BlogRenewables for industry

    Australian businesses are making one big mistake when it comes to renewable energy.

    Published 2017

    If there was any doubt that the Australian business community is a little confused about renewable energy, here’s the proof.
  • 11599
  • KnowledgeSolarSolar PV R&D

    RayGen’s PV Ultra: Expanding The Global Solar Market Beyond Daylight Power

    Published 2018

    Newbridge became the first site deployment of the RayGen PV Ultra technology and now has operated over a period of 30 months.
  • 30737
  • KnowledgeSystem security and reliability

    Gridded Renewable Nowcasting Demonstration Lessons Learnt 2

    Published 2020

    This report presents the lessons learnt in the Gridded Renewable Nowcasting Demonstration over South Australia project between July and September 2020.
  • 29634
  • KnowledgeDemand response

    NSW Demand Response Report November 2020

    Published 2020

    This report covers the period June 2019 to May 2020 and covers the performance of the Commercial and Industrial (C&I) portfolio over that period.
  • 13735
  • KnowledgeDistributed energy

    ARENA’s Virtual Power Plant Knowledge Sharing Workshop Summary

    Published 2019

    ARENA brought together over 60 stakeholders from state and territory governments, market bodies and industry organisations to share knowledge.
  • 30199
  • KnowledgeBattery storage

    ESCRI-SA Battery Energy Storage Final Report

    Published 2021

    This report details the performance of the battery over the life of the project, the influence the project has had on other battery projects, and the key learnings.
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