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  • NewsDistributed energy

    Smart energy devices to empower consumers

    Published 2019

    ARENA announced $2.7 million in funding to Wattwatchers to develop a consumer-facing energy data hub for smart energy devices called My Energy Marketplace.
  • 5970
  • NewsSystem security and reliability

    Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market

    Published 2017

    This submission provides background information on projects funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) as relevant to the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market.
  • 15688
  • BlogSolarSolar PV R&D

    Commercial tenants stand to save with Solpod’s relocatable solar system

    Published 2019

    With the power to slash power bills and emissions, everybody wins from solar. Right? Not necessarily.
  • 11166
  • BlogHybridSolarWind

    Renewables the lowest-cost future energy source: AEMO

    Published 2018

    AEMO has projected that 90TWh of new renewables, storage and gas generation capacity could come online within the next 20 years.
  • 5382
  • PDF

    Report: Energy Networks Association Stocktake Database Results

    Published 2017

    This document is only an interim format for distributing the stocktake results. ARENA’s ultimate aim is to have the stocktake results delivered in the form of an online portal that will allow easy searching, filtering and exploring.
  • 3998
  • PDF
    Renewables for industry

    Media Release: One stop shop for renewables mapping data

    Published 2017

    The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) today announced up to $2.1 million funding for National ICT Australia (NICTA) to develop an online national renewable energy mapping platform.
  • 4021
  • NewsOcean

    Atlas to map Australia’s wave energy

    Published 2014

    The Australian Renewable Energy Agency today announced $1.3 million funding for CSIRO to undertake an innovative wave resource mapping and modelling project. ARENA CEO Ivor Frischknecht said the funding would enable CSIRO to develop a publically accessible wave energy atlas that would allow users to…

  • 3928
  • NewsLarge scale solarSolar

    New community consultation guidelines for large scale solar projects

    Published 2015

    Independent market research company Ipsos has produced best practice community consultation guidelines for proposed large scale solar projects. Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) CEO Ivor Frischknecht said the reports would be an invaluable resource for establishing and maintaining commun…

  • 19563
  • BlogDemand response

    AEMC rules on demand response wholesale mechanism

    Published 2019

    A rule change will make it easier for industrial & commercial energy users to be paid to reduce their demand during peak periods and sell power to the grid.
  • 23348
  • BlogHydropower and Pumped hydro energy storage

    Oven Mountain pumped hydro planned for future renewable energy zone

    Published 2020

    ARENA is providing $951,000 in funding for Oven Mountain Pumped Hydro project to explore how a 600MW/7200MWh storage facility in northern New South Wales.
  • 30265
  • PDF
    Renewables for industry

    Report: Clean Energy Startup Support Program Final Report

    Published 2021

    The Clean Energy Startup Support Programs project launched four programs designed to accelerate the progress of entrepreneurs deploying renewable energy and complementary technologies. This report summarises the outcomes and lessons learnt from the project.
  • 21183
  • BlogRenewables for industry

    Renewable energy brings heat to manufacturing

    Published 2019

    ARENA is providing $460,500 in funding to the Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity (A2EP) to help businesses make the switch to renewables.
  • 23165
  • PDF
    Distributed energy

    Report: DEIP Access and Pricing Reform Options by CEPA

    Published 2020

    This report focuses on the access arrangements for retail customers as defined in the National Electricity Retail Law (NERL) and the National Electricity Rules (NER) chapter 5A.
  • 22921
  • PDF
    Distributed energy

    Report: DEIP Access and Pricing: Report on Workshop 1

    Published 2020

    The Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS) and the Total Environment Centre (TEC) in partnership with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) and Energy Consumers Australia (ECA), are working under the Distributed Energy Integration Program (DEIP) to deliver three workshops on the theme of energy user centred distributed energy resource (DER) network access and pricing.
  • 40396
  • ProjectElectric vehicles

    Amber – Automating EV Charging in line with Wholesale Pricing

    Started 2024

    Amber is developing a software solution to facilitate smart charging for residential customers, including the installation of 100 smart chargers and 50 V2G chargers into participants’ homes.
  • 5346
  • ProjectHydropower and Pumped hydro energy storage

    Atlas of Pumped Hydro Energy Storage

    Started 2016

    The Atlas of Pumped Hydro Energy Storage study aims to produce a comprehensive, rank-ordered online atlas of the most prospective STORES sites in Australia.
  • 3997
  • NewsRenewables for industry

    One stop shop for renewables mapping data

    Published 2014

    ARENA today announced up to $2.1 million funding for National ICT Australia (NICTA) to develop an online national renewable energy mapping platform.
  • 3087
  • News

    ARENA CEO Lateline interview

    Published 2014

    On 15 May ABC Lateline aired a story on ARENA, featuring an interview with ARENA CEO Ivor Frischknecht. Watch the full interview online via ABC Lateline.

  • 11145
  • BlogDemand response

    ACCC calls for “reset” of electricity market, backs demand response

    Published 2018

    The ACCC has released its final report on electricity prices on Wednesday, calling for reforms to overhaul what it dubbed a “broken” electricity market.
  • 30527
  • FundingMicrogridsOff-grid

    Regional Australia Microgrid Pilots Program

    Funded 2021

    In October 2020, the Australian Government announced $2.47 billion in funding for measures that aim to lower energy prices, reduce emissions and boost the economy.
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